When I was at the rose garden at Brookly Botanic last, I looked to see if there was one rose there that I would consider getting. There's a spot in the North West bed in Mamaroneck that needs a largish shrub or clump of perennials. A climbing rose would actually work quite well, balancing the honeysuckle that's in the North East bed. Rosarium Uetersen was the clear winner, it was the most gorgeous shade of pink. I see decriptions of this color as varied as dark coral pink, orange red, deep pink, medium pink but this is the one I think suits it best- deep rose.
On a slight tangent, I was messing around with the image and then realized that I had unconciously abstracted it to the point where it looked quite similar to an abstract study I had done before. Is this a previous life thing, a blurred fragment of memory? Do I know this rose? I should follow this trail.