I had a great stand of foxgloves in my London garden. They were gorgeous I loved how they looked and the great thing about them is that they create such height and volume - quickly. Despite this I've purposefully avoided putting foxgloves in the Mamaroneck garden.
One small reason is that they are a little classic cottage garden fare and I wanted to try some new things. Yes, they're toxic and there are children and dogs that frequent the garden to think about- but they would be somewhat safer contained in raised dry wall beds. No, the real reason I've avoided them is because they're poisonous - symbolically, or maybe that should be psychically.
This all started a few years ago when I attended a Feng Shui Weekend Workshop with
Stephen Post when he revealed an interesting point about apartment feng shui - its not about the angles and corners and details and the myriad possibilities of solutions to counteract all these challenges. The single most important determinant of your fate in your soon to be new apartment is the fate of the previous tenants.
Whatever drama played out in that space previously - divorce, debt, or bliss - that's what you inherit. It's therefore top of the list to find out what happened at that apartment previously, also check if it happened more than once with the tenants previous to the previous tenants- and here's the kicker- what karmic force attracted you to this apartment and the possibility of it playing out again but this time with you in it.
This forever altered how I approached choices and getting back to foxgloves, found me questioning why I would be attracted to something poisonous in the first place and maybe I should avoid them along with Monkshood and Delphiniums- two others that I also love the look of and also on the poisonous list (there's actually plenty more- I'm loathe to look at a true list of them ).
A Geomancer,
Richard Creightmore also suggests that foxgloves along with Ivy, bindweed, nettles, docks, thistles, ferns and nightshades are attracted to places with 'geopathic stress' which are places of "earthly suffering". Do I believe unquestionably in all this, not necessarily but, I take notes, I proceed with caution and Foxgloves remain on the do not plant list, for now.