I'm evolving. This here digital plot is taking on some new content life forms which all the cool kids are already well into, rss feeds, yahoo pipes, google reader, delicious and tumblr. After much humming, head scratching and experimentation I've come up with my own recipe for how to incorporate them here and they are all to be found at the top of the left hand side bar listed under ~ Content Garden.
Upgrade number one: a list of
del.icio.us links. The picture above is a mashup of two images from a couple of them- one from the Horticultural Society's
Library of Botanical ephemera which I became aware of via their excellent
blog. It's both a bookmarked reminder for me to make a visit there and also a reflection of the growing availability of this kind of visual information being made more available online- from collections of images uploaded by libraries and special interest groups to just outstanding sets of photos like
this one on Flickr. The other image is from an article about Gilles Clement and his ideas about
Planetary Gardens- fascinating as is this article about
delayed fall colors. Over on Occasional Oasis, I'm doing something similar with
tumblr and sharing my finds for interesting nature based, socially conscious ideas and products.
I'm also streaming a feed of links to photos that I find interesting on flickr. There is some great talent on that site that is capturing beautiful images that any gardener would be inspired by. I'm also sort of curating them into mini collections that follow a line of thought- currently the five photos listed are an interesting range of colors that anticipate spring.
And what about a social community you ask? I'm also adding a link to Other Gardeners on the right hand side bar to a new blog listing and community of garden bloggers that this blog is listed on
Blotanical and there is more to come on that subject. Meanwhile, enjoy all the new plants.