Violas and Vegetables

It was a gloriously warm sunny day today here in NYC so I decided to go the New York Botanical garden. For the first time, I took the subway and I don't know why I haven't done this before- it was actually more coveninet and a lot cheaper than the train. Once I got there I was bummed at the sign that said - closing at 3.00pm today - I had 45 minutes. It was really too bright to take any decent pictures although there were a few things that were great and this was definitely one of them - violas in the vegetable beds.

I didn't like it so much when they were in broad rows but in some beds they had them in diagonals like little rivulets of color between the vegetables- they looked great- such a visual surprise and different from their usual duties of edging or in pots. The black violas looked stunning planted with calendula flowers. I started some from seed ('Black Bowles'), which I transplanted into the beds but I have a feeling its a little too late for them to be planted out at this tiny seedling stage, have to start them earlier next year.

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