I like how the Cleome looks in this rework of a photo I took last summer of a small flower garden in Riverside Park. I like how prominent it looks, the detail of those tendrils against a dark background but the truth is I don't really like Cleomes. What works well in the context of a picture composition here doesn't follow through in the garden for me- I find the plant sort of showy and cumbersome and those tendrils - they're just weird.
I still cannot abide yellow marigolds or red salvias, and no impatiens will ever darken my garden gate says Michael Pollan, and I have to agree- I feel the same. I also struggle with Coneflowers and Golden Rod and Sunflowers. I'm not really a big fan of bulbs in general either - love daffodils in the park and tulips in vases- in the garden, not so much. There it is - I'm guilty of prejudice, and admit to practising discrimination at the garden gate- but I'm working on it (rehab is cool). What's the treatment plan? I take notice of how other gardeners have incorporated plants on my blacklist which is why I took the photo of the Cleome in the first place- they looked sort of good. One definite change in my thinking- I do like the smaller darker flowered sunflowers pictured on this page with Achillea at Sissinghurst and these that I saw at Wave Hill so they are definitely a possible future inclusion. Despite the nice picture, I think its' still a no for Cleomes.