Through a Window.

Sometimes it takes a rainy day to make one aware of some of the other ways a garden is viewed. A wet Saturday spent intermittantly gardening and finding refuge in the house from the occasional shower is what led to the view you see above of the Hydrangeas distorted through a sheet of old window glass. The hydrangeas, after sulking last year are spectacular this year and intensely blue. Then I went upstairs above the walled beds and shot this image looking down through the screen with the climbing roses in the foreground.

There's one more window to contend with that had me hard at work on Saturday. The new kitchen/dining window that looks squarely onto the vegetable beds. Now that area has to look really, really good not only because the newly added window is there but a huge shrub that was in front of it has been removed. I was figuring out adding some pots and things- more on that when it looks a lot better than it does now.

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