You know the vegetable garden is in business when things are climbing and they are. The Chinese Long bean or Asparagus bean has climbed to the top of the poles and the tomatoes are halfway there. The bean is something I know well, in fact its my favorite bean much nuttier and crunchier than regular beans. We've actually grown it here before, a few years ago I found some plants for sale in Chinatown. The seeds I grew them from this year are also from Chinatown from a few years ago.
The fastest growing tomato is as predicted the one from Noah both plum tomatoes but the others are starting to really get going, they are - Striped German, Japanese Black Trifele and Sweet Horizon. I got them all from Trina at Silver Heights farm at the Union Square market- she made the choices. I told her I really liked the Black Krim we grew last year from her and asked what she would reccomend to try this year given what she had at the time. I just love going to her stand and poring over the huge variety of things that she has and eavesdropping on all the recommendations she makes to her customers.
Speaking of Noah, I went back to visit his garden and this time he was there to tell me himself what was going on there, I'll have a post next week all about that. We came away with a large basil and a lemon grass he just happened to have extra lying around which went straight into the beds. Can't go up this week but when I do the following week it should be really something.
+ Occasional Oasis:A Tray of Plums